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Acton Central Ward Forum - 28-Feb-2018

Wed, 2/28/2018

London Borough of Ealing
Acton Central Ward Forum
Wednesday 28 February 2018
St Mary’s Church, The Mount,
Acton W3 9NW

Councillors: Patricia Walker (Chair), Daniel Crawford and Abdullah Gulaid

1. Welcome and introductions 7pm
2. Requests for ‘Any Other Business’ items 7.05pm
3. Local policing update from the Safer Neighbourhoods team 7.07pm
4. Ark Byron School presentation 7.25pm
5. Air quality improvement measures 7.45pm
- Borough Air Quality Action Plan
- Vehicle Activated Signage
- Horn Lane landscaping scheme

6. Acton Main Line station - Crossrail Complimentary Measures 8.05pm
7. Acton Central ward budget 8.20pm
- update on ward projects in progress
- review of ward budget spend

8. Any Other Business 8.45pm
- pre-arranged items at the beginning of the meeting that are not covered in the agenda

Meeting close 9pm